Start south on Western from Meder.
Turn right onto Mission.
Turn left onto Natural Bridges.
Turn left onto Delaware.
Turn right onto Swanton.
Turn left onto West Cliff.
Turn left onto Front.
Turn left onto Pacific.
Turn right onto Soquel
Turn left onto Ocean.
Turn left onto Ocean.
Turn right onto Graham Hill.
Turn right onto East Zayante.
One hour.
East Zayante becomes Upper Zayante.
Upper Zayante starts by going down.
Upper Zayante continues going down before finally turning up.
Turn right onto Summit.
Two hours.
Turn right onto Old Summit Road.
Turn right onto Summit Road.
Turn right onto Soquel-San Jose.
Turn right onto Laurel Glen.
Laurel Glen becomes Mountain View.
Three hours.
Turn left onto Branciforte.
Turn right onto Granite Creek.
Turn left onto South Navarra.
Cross gate onto Green Hills.
Turn right onto Glen Canyon.
Turn left onto Mount Hermon.
Turn right onto La Madrona.
La Madrona becomes El Rancho after crossing under 17.
El Rancho becomes North Plymouth.
Turn right onto Emeline.
Four hours.
Run out of water.
Turn left onto Grant.
Turn right onto Market.
Turn right onto Water.
Water becomes Mission.
Turn right onto Highland.
Turn left onto High.
Turn left onto Bay.
Turn right onto Meder.
About 58 miles in about 4:15. Bike was Trek 4000 mountain bike.
Unusually, this was a predominantly clockwise route.
Saw at least 8 bicycles on car roofs or bumpers. Outside the Santa Cruz city limits, saw 2 bicycles on the road, one on Summit Road, between 17 and the top of Mountain Charlie, and one on La Madrona, ridden by a kid.
Saw lots of bicycles on the road in Santa Cruz, especially around West Cliff.
Sunday, August 15, 2004
15 August 2004
Posted by Q. P. Liu at 5:35 PM
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