Solo ride - Montebello

Montebello gate It was bright and sunny when I got started. I had never climbed Montebello before, so I headed out to give it a shot. Heading up Hwy 9 to Felton, I got a scare when a fast oncoming jeep was in my lane. I guess he was trying to apex a turn, since there was nobody around but him and me. Motorists sometimes forget that they are operating a dangerous, heavy machine, and forget their responsibility to not endanger others on the road.
Hwy 9 starting somewhat after Boulder Creek had been repaved up to about a quarter mile before the Hwy 236 intersection. The last time I rode this section, the 4th of July, it hadn't been repaved. I got to the top in a little more than 2 hours and continued down. There were lots of cyclists climbing up from the valley side as usual. I turned off at Pierce and then Mt Eden.
On Mt Eden, at the edge of the park, there was water stop set up, and cyclists were approaching from the other direction, and turning around at the stop. I wonder what was going on. After turning around they would continue along Stevens Canyon. I stopped at the base of Montebello, but the other riders continued.
After a snack, I headed up Montebello. It reminded me a little of Soda Springs at first, but more so after the flat section in the middle. A dark gray pickup sped by inches from my left shoulder and honked. I guess some motorists use their vehicles as tools of aggression. Every other motorist on this road behaved responsibly, though, slowing as they approached, and passing by when the way ahead was clear. A half minute later, I heard honking from ahead. I guess it was the pickup again. When I got to the school where the flat part started, I overtook a couple on mountain bikes. I guess the pickup was honking at them.
There were views of the bay to the right. After the flat part, I was reminded a little of Page Mill. After the road became one-lane, I was reminded of the upper part of Montevina. Finally, I got to the gate, and stopped to take a picture and rest a little. Then I headed down cautiously. My GPS said my top speed was 52mph, but I think that was some glitch. I then headed back on Stevens Canyon, then up Redwood Gulch to Hwy 9. Redwood Gulch was so hard that I decided to skip Hwy 236 and Jamison and just take Hwy 9 all the way back.
On the climb up Hwy 9 from Redwood Gulch, there was a constant threat of pulling something in my right hip when seated, and, whenever I tried to push a little harder, I would pull something. Standing would give relief to my hip, but it wasn't steep enough for that to be comfortable for long and I was too tired to shift to a bigger gear. After the long crawl up those 3 miles, I got a coke from the hot dog stand and rested in the sun. Then I took Hwy 9 all the way back to town.
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