Half Moon Bay

Tunitas Creek Rd The sky was filled with a thick layer of clouds early in the morning. At times, I could feel drizzle in the air. There was somewhat of a headwind, as the wind sock near Waddell was varying around 60 degrees, sometimes drooping to about 45 degrees, sometimes being blown up to around 80 degrees. The drizzle got more pronounced on Gazos Creek Rd, where there were patches of damp on the road.
At Pescadero, I stopped and waited to sign in and join the club ride. There was drizzle on parts of Stage, Tunitas Creek, and Lobitos Creek. It was dry on Verde, but heading inland up Purisima and back down towards the coast, there were more periods of drizzle. There was also a bit of a headwind heading into Half Moon Bay.
After a light lunch, for which I had focaccia and a scone, and during there was more drizzle, we headed back via Hwy 1. After we passed the north end of Stage Rd, we started getting passed by emergency vehicles with sirens. On the high flat between San Gregorio Creek and Pomponio Creek, the emergency vehicles were clustered in the right lane. I think I saw someone on a stretcher off the side of the road surrounded by emergency workers when directed into the oncoming lane by the traffic flaggers. At Pescadero Rd, my riding partners turned left to head back to Pescadero, and I continued straight.
There was pretty good tailwind at times. It wasn't that strong, though. The wind sock was pretty steady at around 80 degrees. The clouds also started clearing as I got further south. By Davenport, the sun was out, but it was still a bit hazy. By the time I headed up Western and back home, I was starting to get tired.
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