Saturday, August 03, 2013

3 August 2013

Santa Cruz Mountains Challenge

It was cool, overcast, and drizzly in places when I started. I headed up Hwy 9 to Boulder Creek, then headed out on Hwy 236 to help out at the rest stop by the golf course. It got warmer, and the sun came out later in the morning. At noon, I headed out and started up Jamison Creek at 12:04. I didn't feel that well after standing for three hours without having had enough to drink, which I only realized on the climb. Also, I was using my bike that was 3 or 4 pounds heavier than my usual bike. One rider went by me at around 1 mile from the top. I got to the top at around 12:31, for a time of about 26:47. After taking a couple of minutes to catch my breath, I headed out on Empire Grade and stopped for another break and something to drink at the next rest stop. After that, I headed down Empire Grade all the way back home.