Saturday, December 19, 2009

19 December 2009

Solo ride

Due to rain and sickness, I hadn't ridden much in the last few weeks. It was sunny and cool. The roads were still wet in the shade, but dry in the sun. Zayante was one road I hadn't ridden in a very long time, so I headed up Hwy 9 to Felton, then up Zayante. There were lots of houses putting out wood smoke on Zayante, Bear Creek, and Hwy 236. Once I got to the top of Zayante, I headed down Bear Creek. Had I taken Skyline, I probably would have had to worry about lots of cars with trees on top of them.

From Boulder Creek, I took Hwy 236 to Jamison Creek and started up at 12:55. About 2/3 of a mile from the top, a big pack of motorcycles were headed down, with stragglers continuing to come down over the next 5 minutes or so. It was 1:21 when I got to the top. I then headed back on Empire Grade.