Saturday, July 10, 2010

10 July 2010

Club ride

It was very foggy in the morning when I started off. I headed up Graham Hill to Felton, then headed up Hwy 9. On Hwy 9, my right hip flared up, especially when standing, and I considered heading back home, but decided to keep going and take it relatively easy on this relatively tough route. The fog cleared around Boulder Creek, where I got signed in.

First was going up Bear Creek. I sat for the entire climb, which wasn't too bad, since it wasn't steep. At the top, there was a guy with a flat and a busted valve stem, so someone gave him a tube, which sprung a leak. Someone else gave him another tube, and that worked out. One rider missed the stop/turnaround and continued to either Summit Rd or maybe went all the way down to Hwy 17. On the descent back the same way to Boulder Creek, I got stuck behind a slow car for the twisty upper part and had to ride the brakes.

Next was going up Hwy 9. Again, I sat for the entire climb, since there weren't any really steep parts. At the top, I got a hot dog and a soda. Then, it was back down to Boulder Creek.

The remainder of the club route headed up 236 and China Grade, then down 236 through the park headquarters, up and down Jamison Creek, and then back to Boulder Creek. I skipped that and headed up Jamison Creek. The clock said it was 1:46 when I started the climb, but the GPS track said it was 1:43. I sat more than usual for the climb, but it's too steep a climb to sit the whole way, so I stood carefully to avoid tweaking my hip. It was also pretty hot in the sun and it seemed like there was a 3mph tailwind, but at least most of the climb was in the shade. I got to the top at 2:11. Then, I headed down Empire Grade, taking it very easy, but still set off a few twinges in my hip, due to bumps in the road. Around upper UCSC, there were patches of cold air, and it was cool and overcast in town.