Sunday, May 05, 2013

4 May 2013

Solo ride

It was sunny and mostly warm, with a slight chill in the wind at first. I headed up Hwy 9 through Felton, Glen Arbor to Ben Lomond and continued to Boulder Creek, then headed out on Hwy 236. Big packs of motorcycles went by. I started up Jamison Creek at 1:00. Another motorcycle pack went by. There was a peacock with its ridiculous tail on the last driveway before the steep part. Opposite the 1.66 marker, two mattresses were dumped off the side of the road. It was sunny and hot. Near the top, two more motorcycles went by. I got to the top at 1:25 for a time of approximately 25:00, my best time in 2013. I turned left and headed down Empire Grade. More motorcycle packs went by. After around Smith Grade, the air got a lot cooler. Around upper UCSC, it became overcast for the remainder the ride.