Friday, November 09, 2007

9 November 2007

Weekday morning UCSC loop

There had been heavy fog every morning this week, so, Monday to Thursday, I skipped riding. Then, on Thursday night, airplanes buzzed overhead spraying moth pheromones, due to the fog having let up.

On Friday morning, it was still mostly cloudy, but at least the sun filtered through a little, so I rode. Coming down the second time, I felt a slight drizzle and considered quitting. But it was so light and didn't get any heavier when I got to the bottom, I continued. I concentrated more on staying low on the descent than pedaling hard. On the last time down, I stayed low and tried pedaling harder, getting my best time by 1 second on the descent. I was a little weak on the climb, though, so my times were about the same as they were 10 days ago. I was thinking about the moth pheromones that I was probably breathing in and hoped that they wouldn't hurt me.

It started raining about a half hour after I finished.