Saturday, June 09, 2012

9 June 2012

Solo ride

It was beautiful sunny day. I started north on Hwy 1. At first, there was no wind. Once I was past Laguna, there was a headwind, which continued getting stronger. At the bottom of the San Vicente River gulch, the speed detector registered 27-28mph. I continued in the wind to Swanton, and finally had some relief in the valley. There was some more wind just before the hill, but most of the hill was shielded from the wind until the top. The return on Hwy 1 was fast with the tailwind. I hit 47mph on the descent to Scott Creek. The speed detector to the north of Davenport was turned off, but I was going 28-29mph before slowing way down for the tracks. I turned left and headed up Bonny Doon and Pine Flat. I was getting tired and my back was sore. At the top, I turned right and headed down Empire Grade. As usual, the light at Heller turned yellow just as it first came into view and I had to stop for a while at the red.