Thursday, May 01, 2008

1 May 2008

Swanton time trial

I left work early, and it was sunny and very warm around quarter to 5. I got home, got changed, and headed out around a quarter past 5. It was no longer quite as warm. On the way out on Hwy 1, there was a pretty strong headwind, so I just went slowly rather than ride really hard. For some reason, from around Fambrini's to Davenport, I smelled gunpowder. I smelled it between Davenport and Bonny Doon Rd on the way back as well.

When I arrived, it was 6:06 and there was already about 15 riders lined up ahead of me. It was a little chilly in the wind. The guy ahead of me took off a couple of seconds before his countdown finished. When I started, the wind was pretty brutal at first. I had just gotten new glasses, and the lenses were smaller than my old glasses, allowing the wind to make my eyes water. I was either the second to last or third to last to start. There was only one behind me when I started. Early in the valley, I caught the guy ahead of me, so at least I wouldn't be the last to finish. I saw 3 or 4 riders on their return legs before I got to the climb, and the rest descending as I climbed. I think I saw 3 riders climbing when I descended. One of them blew by me later in the valley. Then, there was another rider with a flat off the right side of the road. Bummer. Approaching the hairpin right just before the final little rise, I saw a glimpse the guy who started 2 minutes ahead of me.

After finishing, I recovered for about 5 minutes, then headed home with a strong tailwind. I think my time was in the 34:35-34:45 range.