Saturday, September 30, 2006

1 July 2006

Scotts Valley to Boulder Creek with a surprise

The club ride was the 100km Mountains Challenge course, and started in Scotts Valley, so I headed up La Madrona to Scotts Valley. The ride headed out along Bean Creek before joining the official Mountains Challenge route on Glenwood, up Mtn Charlie, Riva Ridge, Summit, Bear Creek, Skyline, down 9, 236 through Big Basin, then up Jamison Creek and Empire Grade to Felton-Empire. The route returned to Scotts Valley down Felton-Empire and up Mt Hermon, but I continued down Empire Grade with two other guys until I peeled off at Bay.

I climbed Jamison Creek in less the 30 minutes for the first time. The regroup at the bottom of the climb was probably a big factor in that.